As the war in Sudan continues, thousands of people have been displaced within the country and beyond. With the aim of protecting the most affected, UNHCR has started to resettle Sudanese families to other countries. Uganda acknowledges the shared responsibility of providing war-affected populations a safe space and is thus amongst the resettlement countries.
In December 2023, Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement welcomed 1500 new arrivals straight from Sudan. After two days at the reception center, the families were provided with starting kits, including essential household items, and were located in different Clusters within the settlement.
Just as many other organisations, Global Refugee Initiatives was involved in the reception process. To provide guidance to the new arrivals, organisations got the opportunity to welcome them and present their services. The refugee leaders, many of whom have lived in the settlement for years, spoke encouraging words to their new neighbours, sharing their stories and reassuring them.
Whilst every beginning is hard, we are willing to support the new arrivals to our best and facilitate their settling in.