
Building our Capacities on Mental Health

In order to improve our services provided to the refugee communities in Kiryandongo, we strongly support all initiatives building the capacities of our staff. Last week our GRI team, including the teachers of Ubuntu Model Primary School, completed a three-day training on mental health. The course covered a broad spectrum of issues such as trauma and trauma healing, gender-based violence, suicidality, hygiene education and life skills. Our team members acquired practical skills in counseling and psycho-social support.

We very much appreciate and thank Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI) for carrying out this training and sharing their grand expertise with GRI. The training had a great impact on our team and inspired all of us to work harder for the well-being of our learners at Ubuntu Model Primary School as well as of the surrounding refugee communities.

Hear more about how the training has impacted our team members:

“As a head teacher, I have learnt skills to handle individual differences of learners. I have to bear with children after learning that their behavior is usually a result of their experience. The course has made a significant contribution to my intellectual development.”

Head Teacher
Ubuntu Model Primary School

“The training was very incredible and opened up to me certain things I had not known. Depression, anxiety, trauma, all these are cases we have and I am now empowered on how to identify them and handle appropriately. Today’s narrative approach was powerful and I loved it!”

Teacher Fred
Ubuntu Model Primary School

“This workshop will help me to understand my childrens feelings, mental health and also their acts. I also learnt ways to support the prevention of suicide.”

Teacher Immaculate
Ubuntu Model Primary School

“Working with refugees is quite interesting since it exposes me to a diversity of cultures and traditions in the settlement which serves as a learning opportunity for me. But it also comes with a number of challenges. Am grateful to WPDI for supporting us with this training in trauma healing and adolescent health. The training has enabled me to acquire skills in handling trauma, depression and anxiety conditions and to learn how to assess the people of concern based on their presenting signs and symptoms. As GRI livelihoods officer, the skills acquired are going to impact a lot the services we give to the people of concern since we shall be assisting them to improve their mental health, social well-being, environment and economic empowerment.”

GRI Livelihoods Officer

Discover the Secrets of Nature through a Partner Sensory Walk

The Partner Sensory Walk is an outdoor learning approach in which young learners use their senses to analyse, perceive and develop a positive relationship with the environment around them.

Our Environment Officer, Angera Nduhukire, conducted a partner sensory walk with the members of the Environmental Kids Club at our school in the settlement. Today, she is sharing her experience.

Angera, tell us more about the exercises the partner sensory walk contains? How do you engage the kids?

“As introduction exercise, the learners were organized in a circle, and instructed to move only their necks, heads and eyes but not their bodies. I gave them 30 seconds to find something they thought was beautiful or interesting. After the 30 seconds, they were asked to turn their heads and face inside the circle. Each learner was given the opportunity to tell the group the one thing that they had seen and felt was beautiful. Based on the different interests there were a range of mentioned items including trees, grasses, crops buildings, soil and other. They learnt that different people have different and divers interests. In a second part, they were asked to form pairs of two amongst themselves. One person from each of the pairs was blind folded, leaving the other partner seeing and leading. The leading partners were tasked to take the blind folded ones on a walk to share their different interests. The blinded folded kids were invited to see the world around them through the seeing partners’ guidance and to use their five senses (smell, touch, hear see and taste) to explore their environment. The pairs were given time to walk around their school garden while smelling leaves and grass, listening to the surroundings, touching trees and grass.”

Angera Nduhukire

Thanks for the detailed explanations. Now, what were the participants’ reactions to the partner sensory walk?

“At the end of the activity, we converged in a classroom together with the learners and they each gave examples of what they had seen, heard, felt, smelt and tasted. All kids participated by sharing their answer. Hence the activity helped the pupils to learn to focus their attention and take details of things around them.

The learners found it exciting to run around with their blind folded partners, feeling the texture of trees and their leaves, grass, and other. Whilst in our daily lives we mostly focus on seeing, this exercise enabled the children to experience the importance of all senses. The pupils learnt that just as human beings, animals likewise depend on all their senses. Further, I encouraged them to value and protect nature, for instance in case they find animals and birds in an area where they are not supposed to be, like in crop fields, they should not stone them to death but instead guide them to the right place.”

Angera Nduhukire

Angera Nduhukire

GRI Environment Officer


Look at the Future !

Today, we are talking to Teacher Fred about the introduction of school uniforms at Ubuntu Model Primary School in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement.

Teacher Fred

Primary 3 at Ubuntu Model Primary School

How did you experience the school environment after pupils received their school uniforms?

“The kids were excited about their new look. It fostered a sense of belonging and equality amongst the pupils. Ultimately, this will promote a positive learning environment.”


How did the children react to the introduction of the school uniforms?

“The reactions differed greatly between those who received their uniforms and those who have not yet managed to pay and get their uniforms. Whilst the first were full of joy, the latter were upset and felt left out.”


Did you face any challenges with regards to the uniforms?

“Some parents, I can personally think of a few, lack the financial means to afford the uniform cost. This has a negative impact on their kids as they now feel disadvantaged due to their financial circumstances.”


GRI is fundraising to finance the uniforms for the most vulnerable in order to ensure an inclusive and supportive learning environment. You want to support our initiative? Visit our donation site or contact us:


Exploring the Benefits of Block Farming to our Refugee Groups

Part 2

A few weeks back you met Elisabeth in our video series “Exploring the Benefits of Block Farming to our Refugee Groups“. Today, meet Siama Juma and learn how the farming activities with GRI impact her life:

According to UNHCR and the OPM, the level of food insecurity amongst the refugee population in Uganda is increasingly high. In all settlements across the country food security, the stable and continuous availability of diversified and nutritious food, is limited due to a number of reasons such as extreme poverty, limited knowledge in agricultural production and inadequate livelihood alternatives. The cuts in food rations in the past three years provided by the WFP further exacerbate the economic pressure and risk of malnourishment amongst refugees.

Among all settlements in Uganda, Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement has the highest percentage of acute malnutrition. As 60% of the settlement population are children, they are the ones mostly affected by the lack in food provision which in the long-term can have a drastic impact on child development and general health.

To address the acute issue of food insecurity and malnourishment and to empower refugees economically, GRI developed a block farming program. Currently, we support five farmer groups within the settlement by providing access to land and by giving out seeds and other agro-inputs. Moreover, our livelihoods officer offers trainings on organic farming and climate smart agriculture as well as continuous guidance throughout the year.


The Fruit of Passion and Hard Work

Tasty News

We are growing passion fruit!

In partnership with FAO Uganda, Global Refugee Initiatives is supporting refugee farmer groups to grow grafted passion fruits in Kiryandongo refugee settlement.

Applying a block farming approach, GRI provides land, agro inputs as well as trainings on passion fruit planting to the refugee farmer groups. Grafted passion fruits provide a buffer against shocks and risks associated with seasonality and other challenges like pests and diseases that attack ungrafted passion fruits.

The initiative aims at diversifying household incomes of refugee farmers and improving their food security.

Impressions from the Field


Tunajenga Pamoja Building Together !

We are happy to announce our collaboration with Wilde Ganzen and International Contact Uganda.

This month GRI signed a contract with two Dutch Foundations, Wilde Ganzen and International Contact Uganda (ICU), to fundraise and implement a new project named Ubuntu Model Primary School Uganda – Sustainability and Local Ownership in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement (Uganda).

One of the main goals of the project is to further develop and complete Ubuntu Model Primary School (Primary 1 to Primary 7) for it to be a sustainable and well managed school, which provides child-centred and holistic quality education, including additional services, such as good nutrition and psycho-social support.

To ensure the sustainability of the primary school, GRI will continue to work closely with the local community and implement different sustainability interventions. The ongoing livelihood program, which addresses groups of parents/caretakers, will be expanded to foster their income generating skills and knowledge and empower them economically. The parents/caretakers will be able to earn more money and thereby able to pay the school fees for their children, making the school more financially independent and sustainable. The teachers’ well-being is key to the continuous provision of quality education. To create a safe and healthy work environment for our teachers, the project also entails the construction of staff housing facilities.

We are excited to push for and work on this new project hand in hand with our partners. In appreciation of Wilde Ganzen and International Contact Uganda we wish to present their organisations briefly:

Wilde Ganzen – For more than 65 years, Wilde Ganzen Foundation has been supporting initiatives aimed at reducing poverty in developing countries. Wilde Ganzen enables change and development through close collaborations with local changemakers, small and smart projects, and innovative people, who are committed to empower their communities.

Wilde Ganzen Foundation especially supports projects which aim at the improvement of social services: from clean drinking water to inclusive education, and from medical care to financial independence. Wilde Ganzen does so through capacity building as well as by providing a strong network and substantial financial contribution.

With its long-term collaborations, Wilde Ganzen not only strengthens individual projects, but entire organisations behind these projects and thereby achieves sustainable and meaningful change far beyond the project durations.

International Contact Uganda – International Contact Uganda (ICU) is a Dutch NGO, founded by Sarah Jjuuko and Sander Van Zanten in 2003. ICU focuses on supporting people living in (rural) Uganda. Since its establishment, ICU opened a primary school, a school garden, a maize mill and launched a bio-gas project as well as a clinic. Sander is also the founder of Grassrootz, a social business promoting fair travel and community tourism in Uganda.

In this project, Wilde Ganzen, ICU and GRI’s expertise and responsibilities will complement each other. We are looking forward to the joint fundraising efforts and the project implementation. We are ready! Let’s start building together!


Creating Jobs for Refugees

According to UNHCR in 2022, 91% of refugees in Uganda are considered highly economically vulnerable. The governmental and international aid given to refugees in Uganda is far from sufficient to cover living costs. Economic opportunities in the settlements are limited, especially formal employment. Consequently, most refugees sustain themselves with odd jobs in the informal sector such as selling street food, seasonal crop farming or hairdressing. Others rely on the financial support of relatives back home or abroad.

Despite the diverse livelihood strategies and impressive resilience, the lack of regular and secured income exposes many to financial insecurities and constraints. In this setting, savings for unexpected expenses, for instance in case of sickness, become a luxury.

GRI has set it as a priority to create sustainable economic opportunities for refugees in Kiryandongo refugee settlement, one the one hand, with its livelihood program, on the other hand through the direct employment of refugees at Ubuntu Model Primary School.


Guard and Kitchen Assistant

Hear from Daniel, a Congolese refugee and one of our guards and kitchen assistants at Ubuntu Model Primary School, what he thinks about his work with GRI:


Want to join our Team?

You want to receive insights into the workings of an innovative and growing NGO? You feel you can contribute to the impact of humanitarian programs with your experience and skills? You want to join our team?

We are looking for a volunteer to support our team in fundraising. The position is home-based with flexible work hours, 1 to 3 days (8 to 24 hours) a week.

Learn more about what we have to offer:


Exploring the Benefits of Block Farming to our Refugee Groups

Part 1

According to UNHCR and the OPM, the level of food insecurity amongst the refugee population in Uganda is increasingly high. In all settlements across the country food security, the stable and continuous availability of diversified and nutritious food, is limited due to a number of reasons such as extreme poverty, limited knowledge in agricultural production and inadequate livelihood alternatives. The cuts in food rations in the past three years provided by the WFP further exacerbate the economic pressure and risk of malnourishment amongst refugees.

Among all settlement in Uganda, Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement has the highest percentage of acute malnutrition. As 60% of the settlement population are children, they are the ones mostly affected by the lack in food provision which in the long-term can have a drastic impact on child development and general health.

To address the acute issue of food insecurity and malnourishment and to empower refugees economically, GRI developed a block farming program. Currently, we support five farmer groups within the settlement by providing access to land and by giving out seeds and other agro-inputs. Moreover, our livelihoods officer offers trainings on organic farming and climate smart agriculture as well as continuous guidance throughout the year.

Meet some of our farmer group members in our new video series “Exploring the Benefits of Block Farming to our Refugee Groups” and hear how the farming activities with GRI impact their lives:


Hope Away From Home

World Refugee Day 2023

Every year on June 20th, we commemorate the World Refugee Day. To address existing challenges and to encourage international solidarity for displaced people, UNHCR highlights a different theme every year. This years World Refugee Day focuses on the power of inclusion.

Giving refugees a voice and listening to their concerns is of key importance for a genuine and prosperous inclusion.

Today, Leon David Duku, a South Sudanese refugee staying in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, shares with us what gives him hope away from home: